Saturday, May 21, 2016

I'm back

Shalom alechim!

I know it's been a while since I've added an entry.  A lot has changed in the last couple of months.  For one, I moved from a small city of 50,000 people to a major city of over 1.5 million.  With the move, I also reside with my Ish. We are building our lives together. Job-wise, I quit my job at a health insurance company to work from home and tend to my Ish. With this, this gives me a greater opportunity to do more things as it relates to this blog. I also have the opportunity to support and lift up my Ish--essentially, to be a full-time helpmeet with no distraction's of another employer. Yahuah has definitely answered my prayers--as it was a dream for me to be a full-time keeper at home. 

Please stay tuned for more Teacher Of Good Things--both this blog and an up and coming blog (with the help of my wonderful Ish--who happens to be a filmmaker).  Until then, shalom shalom. 


P.S.  This is me and my Ish Banayahu. This pic was game the day before Pesach. He is a wonderful, loving, patient man--who is also very knowledgeable of Scripture, Hebrew, and history, among other things.  He teaches me something new everyday--as well as stimulate and challenge my mental.  He has me pondering a lot in our conversations, an I absolutely love that!   I love him so much!

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