Saturday, January 9, 2016

Inaugrual Post

Shalum Alechim:

Welcome to Teacher Of Good Things.  This is a continuation of my former blog "The Thrifty Gemini" (which will remain open for reference), but in terms of my life changes.  What are those changes?  I'm so glad you asked!

First, I have come into some true teachings about who I am.  I have been opened to the fact that I am a Hebrew Yisraelite based on Deuteronomy 28 in the Scriptures.  As a result, it is my charge according to The Most High to live by His laws, statues, and commandments in terms of the whole of the Scriptures--not just the Old Testament or New Testament.  Does this make me uber-religious?  No. What I believe and practice is not a religion.  It is a lifestyle.  It is based on following the laws in the Scriptures--which predate current law, and which current law, for the most part emulates.  As a result, I am also charged to live my life as an example in righteousness, truth, and virtue.

Second, the name of the blog.  Why is it called "Teacher Of Good Things"?  Titus 2:3 says "The aged women likewise,that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things."  Now, if you look at my picture, I don't know if you would qualify me as "aged", but that term does not just denote chronological age.  It could also denote experience, knowledge, or wisdom.  I have learned a number of things over my life--things that can be deemed worthy to be passed on to those who may not know.  It's like a talent or a skill.  If one hides them, then what good are they?  They should be used to bless and pass onto others.  Likewise, The Most High has blessed me with the ability to do certain things--whether it be cooking, crafting or gardening.  Just like in "The Thrifty Gemini", I would also like to include diy and bargain hunting as well.   So, the things that I know, my hope is for this blog to be a vessel in order to do that.  And for the things I do not know or am not familiar with, it is also my hope to take you along on my journey to learn.  Perhaps, you can give me tips and suggestions and, you too, could also be a "Teacher Of Good Things".

Again, welcome and I'm so glad that you stopped by.  Let's do all good things together.

Yah bless.


  1. Replies
    1. I live it sister, so eloquently written. Please continue you have a beautiful gift that can reach many....Shalom

  2. I love it sister, beautiful blog, that is so eloquently written. You have a gift that will reach many. Please continue to write and uplift.

  3. I love it sister, beautiful blog, that is so eloquently written. You have a gift that will reach many. Please continue to write and uplift.
