Thursday, August 2, 2018

Cooking: Vegan Pancakes 2.0

Shalom Shalom!

If you recall an entry at the very beginning of this blog, you will already see a vegan pancake recipe.  That was me doing my rendition of a recipe from a vegan cookbook (of which I gave credit to in the entry).  This, however, is my own recipe--and a better recipe I might add, hence 2.0.  Since my Ish made me vegan pancakes when we first met, I couldn't get enough of them.  For some reason, the recipe that I provided earlier was no longer working for me.  I've tried other recipes, and they have been to my liking, but only for a little while.  So I took to the internet to do some research, and I came  up with the recipe for this entry.  I tell you, these are the most delicious, fluffy, and easy-to make pancakes.  They're so good that you might not believe that they are vegan!  But trust me, they indeed are, and after MONTHS of trial (yes...MONTHS.  I wanted to REALLY get this right for you all), I feel safe to say that I am comfortable in sharing it with you all.

When I say easy, I mean EASY.  The measurements are very straightforward.  The numerical amount is the same for most of the ingredients (except for two).  This takes out much guesswork, so there will be much less trial and error for you.  Believe me, you and your family will LOVE these pancakes.  I make these every Yom Rishon (Sunday/1st Day), and my Ish looks forward to them.  I will even sometimes make these for dinner (come on, who doesn't like breakfast for dinner from time to time).  I've been posting these to my social media accounts, and have been asked repeatedly for the recipe.  So without further ado, here is the much awaited recipe!

All you'll need is:
*Non-dairy milk (I've used both almond milk and cashew milk.  Cashew milk makes the pancakes heavier and more dense.  Since we are going for light and fluffy pancakes, almond milk works the best)
*Vinegar (in this picture is my homemade apple cider vinegar.  Yes...HOMEMADE.  Stay tuned--as the next entry is on how to make it)
*Flour (any flour should do.  I used Einkhorn flour this time.  Sometimes I will use spelt)
*Baking Powder
*Oil (any oil should do.  I use refined coconut oil)
*Vanilla extract

As you see the ingredients above, you will notice that I did not supply measurements.  Why you might ask?  It's quite simple.  With the exception of the salt and vanilla extract, you will add the same numerical amount of each ingredient.  For example, the recipe in this entry, I used 1 1/2 cups of flour.  That being said, I will use 1 1/2 of everything else.  In addition to 1 1/2 cups of flour, I used 1 1/2 cups of milk and 1 1/2 tablespoons each of sugar, baking powder, vinegar, and coconut oil.  For the salt and vanilla extract, I used a pinch and 1 teaspoon respectively.  This 1 1/2 recipe will yield 8-10 pancakes.  I've also did 1 of everything and 2 of everything.  If you use 1 cup of flour and 1 of everything else, your recipe will approximately 6 pancakes.  If you use 2 cups of flour and 2 of everything else, the recipe will yield 14-16 pancakes.  You're free to use more--depending on your family size or whomever else is in your house. If so, please let me know your yield.  I would be interested in knowing.

For the sake of this entry, we will use the 1 1/2 recipe.

In a measuring cup, add your 1 1/2 cups of non-dairy milk, and to that, your 1 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar.  Allow to sit for about a minute or so--until you see it curdling.  This is your vegan buttermilk.
(NOTE: If you want thinner pancakes, add an additional 1/4 cup of non-dairy milk at this stage.  The amount of vinegar added will remain the same) 

In a large bowl, add your 1 1/2 cups of flour--along with your 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, baking powder, and the pinch of salt.  Mix well.

After mixing, make a well in the center...

...and add your "buttermilk"--along with your 1 1/2 tablespoons of oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.  Mix well...

...until you get this.  Let the batter rest for about a minute or so.

Next, heat up your pan on medium, and add some oil to it (I usually add a 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil)

Scoop your batter (this is a 1/4 cup scoop)..

...and add to the hot pan (I also used a spoon to scoop out extra batter left in the measuring cup)

Allow the bubbles to form on the surface, and look at the edges.  When the edges look a bit dry (or if they looked like the oil was soaked by it), it's time to turn over.  The cooking time hear is about 1-1 1/2 minutes.

Turn over, and allow to cook for about another minute (Yes, they are done THAT QUICKLY).

Remove from pan...

...and keep warm until you are ready to eat.  What I simply did here was turn the oven on at the lowest setting possible (on my oven, the lowest temperature is 170 degrees F).  That way, the pancakes stay warm until you're ready for them.

If you want blueberry pancakes, add fresh blueberries to the pancakes as soon as the batter is in the pan (if you are using frozen blueberries, I would encourage you to add them directly to the batter.  These fresh blueberries were given to us by my father-in-law).  Just as the plain ones, cook for about a minute before flipping--look for the bubbles on the surface and the dry looking edges.

Turn over.  Cook for another minute...

...and keep warm until you are ready for them.

Continue to use the batter--to make the rest of the pancakes...

...and keep warm.  I got 9 pancakes here.

Now, they're ready to serve.  Here is a side view...

...and here's what they look like from the top.

Digging in.  Look how soft and fluffy they are!  Oops!  I got so excited, that I forgot to put Earth Balance on!

Look at that deliciousness!


As you can see, they look AMAZING, and they indeed taste as good as they look!

I sincerely SINCERELY hope that you will these WONDERFUL pancakes!  I'm enthused writing about it as much as I am making and eating them.  They really are absolutely delicious.  If you make them, and even if you decide to increase the amount, please let me know how they turn out for you.  I'd be so interested in knowing.

Thank you SO much for checking me out here on "Teacher Of Good Things".  The next two entries will be on making homemade Apple Cider Vinegar and my Fiesta Rice recipe--so stay tuned!  Until then...shalom shalom!


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